Panasonic launches 3.4.0 Display unit: the versatile App based menu solution

Panasonic keeps on adding new functionalities to the successful  Display unit to allow an even more user-friendly operation, making it easier for you to control your fire alarm system. With the launch of version 3.4.0 we introduce a intuitive app based menu for the most common operations.

Get ready to simplify operations with Panasonic's new App based menu

Inituitive navigation with the App based menu

You can now log on to the display and easy navigate through the new intuitive app-based menu.
This menu provides easy access to three key functions: acknowledge faults, disable a whole zone or one or more alarm points within a zone or set zones in test mode.

Stay informed with the event tab page

Our latest feature ensures you to stay on top of your system's status.
If there are any faults, disablements or zones in test mode, a new tab will appear on the event tab page. All disablements can be viewed in the disablement tab, and disablements for a specific zone or zone address can be re-enabled. Faults can be viewed and acknowledged.

More versatile

These additions to our unique display unit make the platform even more versatile while maintaining the highest security.
The fully redundant connection between the control unit and the display unit, including the 24V DC power supply and RS485 connection, ensures the safest and best performance.

Contact us

to learn more about the extensive capabilities and benefits that this new version brings you!
