EBL training certification program

Comprehensive learning and certification pathways

Training program

Our training program is your gateway to master the installation, programming, commissioning, and maintenance of Panasonic EBL512 G3 and EBLOne fire detection and alarm systems.

This comprehensive and scalable learning journey starts with our Professional Level and then progresses to Advanced Level for more complex installations. Our additional training modules elevate your knowledge in specialised areas according to your needs. Join us to become a certified expert, ready to tackle any challenge and stand out in the fire and security industry.

* Check with your local representative for availability in your country.

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Two-level full certification process

Level 1

Professional certification

Essential for configuring installations in an EBL512 G3 fire panel (4-loop COM control unit) or EBLOne (1-loop COM control unit). Comprehensive training in installation, programming, commissioning, and maintenance of Panasonic EBL systems.

Level 2

Advanced certification

Crucial for configuring installations with multiple control units using EBL512 G3 in a networked 5040 multi-master setup. Provides expertise in a networked system with a distributed architecture, with programming of more complex control expressions.

Additional courses

Panasonic wireless detection system

Panasonic wireless detection system

Acquire the necessary knowledge to install, configure, and commission the Panasonic wireless detection system.
Emergency & exit lights system

Emergency & exit lights system

Acquire the necessary knowledge to install, configure, and commission the Panasonic EMEX emergency and exit lights system.
Communication Gateway and software

Communication Gateway and software

Acquire the necessary knowledge to install, configure, and commission the communication Gateway 5088.
Aspirating smoke detection (Aspect)

Aspirating smoke detection (Aspect)

Acquire the necessary knowledge to install, configure, and commission the Aspect Detection System.

Additional self-study courses

Overview of the Panasonic EBL systems

Overview of the Panasonic EBL systems

Panasonic terminology

Panasonic terminology

Convert G2 → G3

Convert G2 → G3

Basic compatibility: COM Loop Peripherals and Control Units

Basic compatibility: COM Loop Peripherals and Control Units

Basic about Gateway 5088 (Setup with wizard, check in EBLWeb, add system to EBL Cloud)

Basic about Gateway 5088 (Setup with wizard, check in EBLWeb, add system to EBL Cloud)