Battery pack production
Battery pack production process
Panasonic has battery packs production sites located all around the world. We will choose the best suitable production site for your product, taking into account the production volumes, the product complexity in correspondance with your application and the final place of delivery. Test our pack production experience and find out how we can power your business.
Reliable products must come from the best factory

High-quality production, is part of Panasonic DNA. We guarantee the highest production reliability by performing analysis including mandatory Failure Mode Effects Analysis in the design phase (D-FMEA) as well as in the production process (P-FMEA). All our production plants have well-equipped laboratories enabling reliability tests, material composition and surface analysis.
Initiatives for eco-conscious factories

We are leading eco-conscious factories activities to cut down the environmental load caused by manufacturing. On the assumption of compliance of laws in each factory, we concretely reduce environmental loads in manufacturing activities, such as CO2 emission, generated wastes and valuables, water consumption, and transferred chemical substances. Find out more!