On stage at the annual DACH relay industry gathering
Panasonic Industry relay specialists participate in "Power of Electronics" conference in Würzburg
Once again, a delegation of Panasonic Industry relay specialists attended the "Power of Electronics" conference at the Vogel Convention Centre (VCC) in Würzburg this year. Under the umbrella of the new event concept, the traditional “Anwenderforum Relaistechnik” ("User Forum for Relay Technology”) attracted again numerous developers and industry representatives from the DACH industries and industry associations.
Next to participating in a compact trade show inside the Convention Centres central premises, Panasonic Industry contributed three technical presentations that garnered significant interest among the audience.
Pictures: (C) 2023, Vogel Verlag, Würzburg
Christoph Oehler: Tour de force on elementary relays

Christoph Oehler, Head of Technical Collaboration Services in the Department of Innovation & Collaboration, along with his ZVEI Association colleague Jürgen Steinhäuser, provided an updated introduction to the world of elementary relays, once again grounding and refreshing the electromechanical fundamentals knowledge for the many attendees.
Dr. Dieter Volm: MOSFETs and hybrid concepts for the 'electrification of everything'

Dr. Dieter Volm, Head of New Business Development, followed with a technically demanding and rhetorically rich presentation. He delved into the crucial field of MOSFET technology, tracing its electrical genesis, diverse applications, and eventually connecting it to the current development of a hybrid relay. Dr. Volm unveiled the curtain on the "HybSchaDC" collaborative project, which could potentially serve as an economic alternative to IGBTs, an elemental component for tomorrow's DC grid infrastructure. The presentation sparked great interest among the developers and industry representatives in attendance.
Stephanie Wimmer: Safety relays for new levels of industrial application performance, efficiency and miniaturization.

Stephanie Wimmer, Product Manager Relay Electronics, took the stage as the final speaker for our company. She focused on the importance of suitable relays for the increasingly crucial field of industrial automation. One method of realization is through relays with forcibly guided contacts according to EN 61810-3. She comprehensively outlined how they differ from conventional electromechanical relays, and respective applications design be achieved quickly, easily, and straightforwardly, and convincingly underlined the potentials of our safety relay innovations for future safety applications in ever-smaller enclosures with higher energy efficiency.
Vivid discussions and technical conversations, both following the specialists’ presentations and at the booths, once again highlighted the significance of Panasonic Industry as an innovation driver in the relay sector – and the relevance of safe and efficient relay technology for key industries and trending applications.