Laser Marking - Customer Reference

Cooperation is always more powerful than competition “Bob Proctor”
Making the right choice when looking for the perfect supplier is not always easy. The common goal of Panasonic Industry and Markings ApS is to provide all our customers with excellent and reliable quality when it comes to products and services
Our cooperation partner Markings ApS was able to convince the company Danrec A/S with their expertise and many years of experience.
Danrec A/S was founded in 1992 and even then was a pioneer in the treatment and processing of recycled plastics. Today they are a leader in this field and one of the few companies that has the equipment and expertise to process recycled plastics and manufacture plastic sheets with a wide variety of uses.
With the aim of marking Danrec/AS ground protection plates made of 100% recycled plastics, a laser marking system was sought that would make perfectly legible marking. The choice fell on a Panasonic Industry laser marking system of the LP-Z series. This laser system is very suitable for the task because it is equipped with a 3D function. The 3D function is advantageous for the special structure of the plastic plates, as it creates a clear, unambiguous, and durable identification. Our long-term partner Markings ApS in Denmark supported the customer Danrec A/S from project consulting to commissioning.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our partner Markings ApS for the great cooperation over many years!
For further information about the Laser Marking, please look here